I've been busy making tote bags. I think it's now important to have variety in the shop. I'm getting a lot better after making about 9 bags. I've sold about 5 of them which has been very cool. I am starting to make smaller ones for kids and for people who just want a small tote for toting around. I'd like to experiment with an over the shoulder messenger type bag too.
My mom has returned from france and she brought back her very nice canon printer with her. This means I can start doing some photography prints and new art projects. It prints up to 13x19! I may even add some of my prints into the shop just to see how it flies.
Summer is almost over and I feel like I kind ripped off. On the other hand it's been nice not having sweltering heat for the entire season. Even though I am not a huge fan of super cold and rainy days, they make for great art days. Hopefully i can have some friends over for some crafty time since I will still have access to my parents' room for sewing.