Monday, October 21, 2013

Forging Ahead with Creative Endeavors

After a long productive family weekend it's time to continue creating. I've had some up and downs about where this is all going. When I decided to start up this little business again, I really thought first and foremost it was just to be creative again, to make something tangible and get off of the computer. Now that I have some inventory in the shop, some days I am disappointed that I have not sold anything. It brings me to ponder about what I really want to be doing.

I was laid off from my full-time-working-from-home job in mid-July. It was a cush gig that allowed me to be with my son more and have more time for non-worky things. Now that I no longer have this job and I am having a baby boy in February, my partner and I came to an agreement that would allow me to not have to get a job. My job was computer/web related and I haven't been doing much in that arena since the lay off. So questions come up about what I want to do now. I've never really had a career in mind, I always got jobs from word of mouth or they just kind of showed up. I feel like work is a means to allow me to do other things.

I digress. I do get satisfaction from creating these stuffed monsters, it's fun. I do think about other things I could create outside of those as well. I don't need to be selling these, so I guess if I enjoy making them and I happen to sell, cool.

So, speaking of which I added two more in the shop on Saturday. Check them out!

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