Monday, June 29, 2009


So this past Saturday we went to a baby shower for a couple we've just met. They are having a girl. I knew I wanted to give them a monster but wasn't sure which one, so I brought three. The mother eneded up picking the one I thought I would give her. Some of the guests were very interested in the monsters so Ray went up the street to our house to bring them back to show off. I sold FIVE. and two magnets. crazy!! Totally not planned. Funny how that works sometimes. Now I'll need to make more! There are no more cute ones with pants and belts right now which seem to be very popular.

The fourth is coming soon and we don't have any plans as of yet. We can see the fireworks from our roof very easily so we're tossing the idea of having people here. The husband gets monday off which will be a nice treat. I like summer, it brings with it, bbqs, beer and good friends.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Handmade Ideas for Cash

It's pretty bleak in terms of income on the home front right now. My regular consistent paying work is not happening all that much right now. Stuffed monsters are not selling too well, neither are plush monster magnets. I know I said this was just a hobby that I'd hope I could make some mad money from, but there isn't really any mad money coming in either. So, I'm brain storming for other ideas. I have a lot of crafting/sewing supplies so I need to get creative in my thinking to use what I already have. In the meantime when I'm not sewing, taking phtos and writing descriptions for things, I am cleaning out the house of our not needed things to see if we can make a buck or two. I'm doing my best to keep a positive attitude and to keep having fun making things.

Friday, June 19, 2009

It's Getting HOT

I got really used to the spring time weather we were having here in NorCal. It looks as though summer has finally arrived and honestly I am not ready for it yet. I bought a bunch of fabric at the flea market that happened last Sunday around the corner from me. When I showed my friend she said "ok, you need to stop buying fabric!" she's right. It's really hard to pass up the bargains though when I see yards velvet and beautiful linen for under $10. I also found some really cool vintage eyes. I haven't bee creating any new monsters too much lately, I did make a pair that connect with magnets. They are quite cute.

I've felt the itch for spring cleaning, a little late I know. Lately every room I go into I am annoyed by all of the stuff we have. I need to purge!! Maybe we'll do a garage sale. GASP! I'm not too fond of doing those kinds of things. the idea of sitting around all day waiting for people to buy my stuff doesn't sounds all that thrilling. But who knows maybe we can make a few bucks.

Father's day is quicky approaching. we don't really have plans, I figure I will leave up to dad to decide what he wants to do. Looks like it won't be too sweltering which will be nice. Happy weekend!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Well the art event went pretty well, considering I had no expectations! I sold 4 monsters and 5 magnets. Everyone who came to my table really liked them and had something nice to say. I handed out a lot of cards. My next one is in September. I am considering getting involved with out city's farmer's market on Wednesday evenings as well.

I've just posted two new stuffed monsters in the shop!

Monday, June 1, 2009

I am preparing for the art event that's this Friday. If anyone reading this is close to sonoma county come say hi. I feel like I have enough stock to at least show people what I'm capable of. I don't want to be a stress case and I'm not really worried about selling as much as having a nice display set up.

In other news, I thought I had my heart set on a chord organ. I've changed my mind. After seing Flight of the Conchords live and seeing Jemaine play an omnichord, I decided that i MUST have one. So now I am on the hunt!

It's only early afternoon but I feel like I need a nap, so much to do!